

Happy New Year!  I don’t know about you, but I feel relieved 2020 is over.  I know little has changed yet in the New Year, but the prospect of starting something new seems synonymous with hope and possibly.  This hope and possibility is what leads many to set New Year’s Resolutions or goals. For the…

R & R Part 2 – Rest

As we continue to explore Jubilee we discuss – Rest. What is rest and what does it look like in our daily life? Rest is anything that produces the three intended goals of rest – relaxing, refreshing or recovering. It’s intentional. I would argue it’s synonymous with self-care. We all need time to rest and…

Pandemic Parenting

Come join me live tomorrow September 12th at 9 am Arizona Mountain Time for a virtual Women’s Conference, The Hard Things Conference (9 am Arizona Mountain Time (9 am PST, 10 am MDT, 11 am CDT, 12 pm EDT)! This conference will nourish and replenish all aspects of your life currently suffering by the pandemic.…

Chasing Joy

This year I have been chasing joy both literally and figuratively by making time for what I enjoy and love – running.  Running is purely “me time.”  Solitude.  A time I can clear my mind, think, pray, listen to music, or a podcast.     I quickly fall into the cadence of my breath and steps.…