
Be Proactive

A huge take-away from my breast cancer experience is the importance of being proactive with my health.  I am not a doctor nor am I a healthcare professional.  I am simply a breast cancer survivor whose experience could be an advertisement for the importance of being proactive with our health. Speaking from experience, let me…

Attitude is Everything

About a month ago I found myself in the Emergency Room with my eldest. The instant she was given crutches and a boot for her broken foot her attitude changed from sulking to excitement. She is well within the years when crutches and casts are a badge of honor, excitement and attention. Since she and…

One Lifechanging Phrase

Over the course of the past eight months I have shared the details of my breast cancer journey. Now I want to share what this journey taught me. My take always. One lifechanging phrase. I bet you are thinking that phrase is – you have cancer. That is life changing for sure, but not what…

Reconstruction Take Two

Before my initial breast reconstruction surgery I viewed breast reconstruction as one and done. Well if I am honest, overall, I thought I would walk away from my whole breast cancer experience with 2 surgeries – TOTAL.  Boy was that naive and wrong! Talking with my fellow “bosom” buddies, one and done for reconstruction was a…

Reconstruction – Take One

After a summer of care-free fun with my family, the school year was underway. I was ready to tackle what I thought would be my last surgery on my breast cancer journey. With excitement and anticipation I met with my plastic surgeon to set a date. My plastic surgeon explained the process. My reconstruction surgery…

You are Loved

As a child John 3:16 was one of the first Bible verses I memorized.  It is so engrained it comes to mind almost effortlessly.  Sometimes there is a danger in this. In the effortless, I have overlooked the miraculous.  I have recited this verse so often it sounds ordinary and mundane, but nothing about it is ordinary…