October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and it seems particularly fitting to begin sharing my journey through Breast Cancer with you this month. My hope and prayer is that my posts are both insightful and encouraging. As with everything, information is powerful. If you are facing Breast Cancer, I am so sorry! I used to think the worst words I knew were four and five letter, but I have become keenly aware this past year that the worst word is six letters – C – A – N – C – E – R – and I would not wish it upon anyone.
This past year has been one of the most difficult years of my life hands down! However, it has also been overflowing with life at its best. Friends rallying. Family members stepping in. People telling me – “I have this. You focus upon healing.” Even amidst life’s hardest struggles there is immeasurable beauty and goodness. I hope you see all of this and more in my posts. Thank you for allowing me to share this journey with you.
If you are a woman and you have not been diagnosed with Breast Cancer, may I be the first to encourage you that with Breast Cancer early detection is everything! If you are over 40, get your annual mammograms! If you ever have a gut feeling something is off – follow-up and get answers! If you are under 40, but have a family history of Breast Cancer, discuss your options with your Doctor. If you are high risk or have dense breast tissue, don’t just do annual mammograms, talk to your doctor about MRI’s. MRI’s detect much more than mammograms.